123BIM Helps Communicate The Complexities
of a DDI at Virtual Public Meetings

I-75 at 49th Avenue, Marion County, FL

Project Owner: Florida Department of Transportation, D5

Project Purpose and Need

The purpose of a new I-75 interchange at NW 49th/35th Street is to provide relief to the congestion and operational deficiencies at both existing contiguous I-75 interchanges, by providing an alternate access to I-75 for the projected increase in truck volumes resulting from the future commerce district. The need for an interchange at I‐75 and NW 49th Street can be summarized into four discussion areas:

  1. Economic Viability and Job Creation
  2. Improve Interstate and Regional Mobility
  3. LongTerm Support of Regional Needs
  4. Accommodate FutureTraffic Growth
2D map of I-75 | Virtual Public Meeting for Infrastructure |RDV Systems

123BIM – Production to Delivery

The 123BIM Component

In August 2020 Metric Engineering informed us that FDOT D5 asked to utilize our 123BIM services for the Public Involvement component of the I-75
@ 49TH Ave. PD&E project. The primary purpose was to use the 123BIM model to create driver’s eye videos and to show the public how to navigate a Diverging Diamond Interchange. An additional component, real-time Vissim traffic data, was added and included with no deadline penalty.

In September we created existing conditions, and in the same month, took delivery of conceptual design data that we were told was preliminary. Once the model had been created, videos were created on the fly and customized at no additional cost.

The project evolved over the next few weeks, with final design and videos, including real-time Vissim traffic, delivered ahead of schedule.

“Use of 123BIM at our public meetings allowed us to add real-time traffic from our traffic analysis model and customize the angles of the videos and images to really show how the Diverging Diamond Interchange functions as well as how the traffic is expected to operate. This really allowed the public to have a better understanding of the proposed improvements at the I-75 at NW 49 Street interchange.”

Gabriela Garcia | Virtual Public Involvement for Infrastructure

Gabriela Garcia P.E., Deputy Project Manager
Metric Engineering

Visual Assets Delivered

  • Interactive and immersive 123BIM Model
  • Drivers eye video (explaining how to navigate the DDI)
  • Integrated Real-timeVissimTraffic Data

Click here for more project information

When You Can’t Afford to be Misunderstood

From teaming, project collaboration and virtual public involvement, our 123BIM real-time interactive models are a game-changer. Our integrated suite of viewing and navigation technologies make visualization an integral part of the project development process, and accelerate review and approval time to keep your projects on schedule! Click here to view 123BIM video.

Virtual Tour

Scan the QR code with your
smartphone or tablet for a 123BIM
interactive Virtual Tour

I-75 at 49th Ave. QR Code Virtual Tour | RDV Systems

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RDV Systems – Laser Focused on Safety