Ocala, FL (FDOT’s District 5) | SR-40 From SW 27th Avenue to MLK Jr. Avenue

Project Owner: Florida Department of Transportation

Project Designer: Pevida Highway Designers (PHD)

Background: Median Modifications
This is an access management project located in Marion County within the Ocala city limits. Project is along State Road (S.R.) 40 from SW 27th Avenue to MLK Jr. Blvd. and will include changes to the current median access to improve the safety of this corridor.
Work will include converting full median openings to directional medians, closing three of the existing full median openings, and extending some of the turn lanes. These modifications reduce traffic conflict points and separate turning movements along this section of S.R. 40.
The Problem: High Number of Collisions
The purpose of the project is to provide access management improve-ments along West Silver Springs Boulevard. Due to the high number of collisions that occur in this area, median opening modifications are being proposed to improve safety, reduce the number of incidents and improve traffic operations. The project will also include landscaping removal or replanting during construction in some areas. All work will take place within existing right of way.
A 2001 FDOT Safety Evaluation Study found that U-turns are safer than direct left turns, and fatalities are reduced by 27% and crash rates by 18%.
The Challenge: Access Management
  • Planning and control of a location’s spacing.
  • Design and operation of driveways, median openings and street connections.
  • Designate where and how vehicles enter and exit a roadway, while preserving mobility, reducing delays and minimizing crashes.


Exploring a Solution:
9/16/19 – PHD finished the dry run presentation and received com-ments on board and presentation
9/17/19 – PHD learned about 123BIM
9/19/19 – PHD attended D5 quality forum and learned about vision characteristics for Public Engagement
9/20/19 – Real Image Solutions (RIS) discussed providing 123BIM support by teaming PHD
• In approximately two weeks, RIS created the model, dynamically implemented updates and published the virtual presentation to the cloud
• Created business cards with 123BIM Virtual Tour QR code for public meeting
10/8/19 – Public Hearing


✓ District 5 PM Heidi Trivett, TRAFFIC OPS liked and appreciated it

✓ Personnel from the public involvement firm Quest said “It’s magic, show it to everyone here.”

✓ Made it easy for the public to visualize the project improvements before and after and provide meaningful feedback

✓ 123BIM augmented traditional visual communication tools


Take the Virtual Tour!

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